Tartesso Community Park is the neighborhood's second biggest park. It understandably gets mistaken for it's much bigger sibling, Tartesso Sports Park, because this park is a mini sports park in it's own right. It boasts 2 tennis courts, 2 basketball courts, a sand volleyball court, and plenty of open grass for at least 2 or 3 simultaneous soccer or football games. Tartesso Community Park is located on West Tartesso Parkway, near the grand entrance off of Sun Valley Parkway, while Tartesso Sports Park is located on North 303rd Avenue, in the center of the neighborhood. A rather unique feature about Tartesso Community Park not found in any other Tartesso park, is a pedestrian tunnel that connects directly to Tartesso Elementary School. Throw in a stellar ultimate sized splash pad identical to the one at Sports Park, and you've got the perfect recipe for a fun, fulfilling time at the park. Now go out, get some fresh air, and enjoy Tartesso Community Park!